Council Notes: March 1, 2021

Council Notes: March 1, 2021

Council passed the following:

  • Ensuring Correct Drug Dispensing
    MSSNY will request that the New York State Education Department work with the pharmaceutical and pharmacy industries to facilitate the ability of pharmacies to ensure that when a prescription is dispensed, a color photo of the prescribed medication and its dosage is attached to the receipt to ensure that the drug dispensed is that which has been prescribed. MSSNY will forward this resolution to the AMA.
  • Scientific Studies to Support Legislative Agendas
    MSSNY will continue to work with allied groups and health care policy influencers such as think tanks to help generate support for MSSNY’s key advocacy goals and will continue to work with entities that can produce high quality scientific evidence data to help generate support for MSSNY’s key advocacy goals. The MSSNY delegation to the AMA will introduce a resolution at the next AMA House of Delegates meeting urging the AMA to expand its efforts to work with allied groups, health care policy influencers such as think tanks and entities that can produce high quality scientific evidence.
  • Separation of Clinical Portions of EHRs from Administrative and Financial Uses
    MSSNY will continue to work with the AMA and specialty societies to advocate for legislation, regulation or other appropriate mechanisms to ensure that electronic health record (EHR) systems are developed and implemented in such a way as to facilitate the compiling and sharing of clinical information, as appropriate, in a manner that is consistent with how physicians regularly deliver care.